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At the bottom of each topic, there is a 'Topic Options' button. Pressing this button will expand the topic options box. 

From this box, you can select from the following options: 

  • Track this topic - this option will allow you to receive e-mail updates for the topic, see the 'Email Notification of new messages' help file for more information on this

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  • Download / Print this Topic - will show the topic in a number of different formats. 'Printer Friendly Version' will display a version of the topic that is suitable for printing out. 'Download HTML Version' will download a copy of the topic to your hard drive, and this can then be viewed in a web browser, without having to visit the board. 'Download Microsoft Word Version' will allow you to download the file to your hard drive and open it up in the popular word processing application, Microsoft Word, for viewing offline.

- Phiên bản rút gọn Thời gian hiện tại: 3rd November 2024 - 01:30 PM

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